Discover How We... 
(along with A Select group of People) 
are Tapping Into...

And Making 6 Figures 
In Ongoing, Passive Income using AI!

Watch the video below from James and Dave!

And now with... A.I. Disruptor 2.0
YOU can get into this Game!!! 

A.I. Disruptor 2.0 makes these products FOR YOU, 
quick & easy… and gets you sales!

You can make this PASSIVE INCOME with ZERO DOLLARS out of pocket and from anywhere in the world - In a brand new way. 

AI Disruptor 1.0 changed the marketing game! 

Those that picked it up loved it. With AI Disruptor 2.0 we are going to show you how to disrupt an entirely NEW and DIFFERENT platform!


From James Renouf and Dave Espino:  
a new AI revolution!

AI has been expanding and changing massively...
Today - thousands of products can be created 
FOR YOU and sold to the tune of thousands of dollars!

And ALL these products are HYPER-PROFITABLE because YOU don't have to make them yourself. All of the work is done for you by AI - IN SECONDS! 

This simply means there are literally thousands of different ways to PROFIT from this same, super-simple AI process!

TODAY - AI makes this business SO MUCH BETTER - making you money faster and easier than ever before...
Just look at how these people are crushing it RIGHT NOW by tapping into 400,000,000+ BUYERS - they're getting their customers FOR FREE: 

Think Of Us as Your Sensei...
We'll show you exactly what to do to make money!

Not only are there some insane 6 & 7 FIGURE incomes being made, right now, but there is room for ALL OF US to profit - and profit WILDLY - because we're using AI... 

And the amazing thing is, this is TRUE PASSIVE INCOME - an income that comes in, whether you decide to work that day, week or month - or not!

AND - you don't have to stop at 6 figures! Many of these new types of businesses are doing 7 figures a year...

Isn't that what we all want?

What is AI Disruptor 2.0?

This is an amazing business model that lets you build a high-earning business without all the heavy lifting that you normally have to do to build a business...

For example... 

You DON'T Need:

* Money out of pocket
* Experience
* To show yourself on camera
* Guess whether you can make money or not

With AI Disruptor 2.0, all those things are HANDLED FOR YOU...

Here's the ONLY thing you need...

You ONLY need to do one thing:

Do what we tell you to do in this simple process and MODEL IT! 

(And we show you HOW to do this - it's actually the easiest part of this business!)

The traffic is FREE…

So you DON'T need:
  • No Funnels
  • ​No Paid Traffic
  • No ​Solo Ads
  • No ​SEO
  • ​No List Building
  • ​No TikTok videos (or ANY videos)
  • ​No need to show your face on camera
  • ​No Hard Work!
  • ​You CAN be completely anonymous!!

And, Because it’s all Done digitally Using AI... 
This means That now 
you can focus on JUST ONE THING...
Making More Money! 

You're about to get a sneak peek into an incredible world with so many ways to make money that your head will spin.

Never in history has there been such a GIANT MARKETPLACE offering FREE TRAFFIC for products like this…


These are products you can EASILY make using AI in SECONDS...

But the products sell and sell and sell, making you an ONGOING, PASSIVE INCOME from that point on!

THIS marketplace gets more than 5 BILLION visitors a year (FREE TRAFFIC FOR YOU) and they LOVE digital products!

And now, using A.I., you can easily tap into this gigantic traffic tidal wave to quickly and easily make all the income you want to make.

And the really cool part?

We’re talking about ONGOING / PASSIVE / RECURRING INCOME, here!

What we love about this is that THIS business keeps on paying you, over and over, month after month after month!


You set it up ONCE…
And start getting paid FOREVER!

Once you’ve used AI to make your digital products, the income starts coming in and YOUR PART IS DONE!

No more trading hours for dollars, no more having to get up early to go to a job, no more dealing with a nasty boss that you can’t stand…

Seriously, isn’t it time you moved on from that 9 to 5 mess?

It’s all about this genius 
(but crazy-simple) strategy

This strategy is really simple:
  • We show you how to find the best-selling products 
  • We show you how AI creates YOUR own best-selling products 
  • And YOU PROFIT, from that point on, with ongoing, passive income!

It’s SUPER EASY TO DO and we show you how to EASILY leverage A.I. to do this!

(Heck, you could get a high school or college student to do this for you - pay them a few bucks and make PASSIVE INCOME from then on!)

Picture this…

You follow our simple system - using A.I. to quickly create products that are in high demand…

Your products start selling - with no further effort on your part… (no packing, no shipping, etc.)

And YOU bring home thousands upon thousands a month - AND IT'S ALL PASSIVE INCOME!

AI Disruptor 2.0 
Is A crazy-Simple, 3-step system


Use a site that has MASSIVE BUYER TRAFFIC 

You're accessing 400 million visitors a month that are BUYERS! 


Quickly find the bestselling offers.

We show you exactly how to do this and how to find what's bringing in crazy money. 


You give customers what they want in SECONDS (because YOU’RE USING AI) and YOU get paid FASTER and EASIER than ever before 

Since you’re now tapping into massive buyer traffic (people HUNGRY for these services) all you do is put your bucket out there (your product or service) and CAPTURE ALL THE MONEY that is flowing through!

You are ethically profiting from all this FREE BUYER TRAFFIC and getting paid, big time. 

The best type of business?
A business you can SELL for MILLIONS…

The best types of businesses are the businesses with RECURRING INCOME…

These are the types of businesses that throw off POSITIVE CASH FLOW and that people ALWAYS want to buy…

And now, we’re about to give you the keys to your own recurring income business, right here!

You don't have to be some kind of genius to do this. You can literally hang out at home eating potato chips as the money rolls in!

What If You Could Tap In To...
Over 400 MILLION people a month - FOR FREE?

And not just 400 million visitors...

We’re talking 400 million HUNGRY BUYERS...

People who eagerly... want to

And you could do this with:

* No paid ads
* No email list building
* No wacky tik tok videos
* No organic traffic methods
* No viral YouTube videos
* No real effort of any kind!

None of that!

Just by putting your digital products on this massive marketplace, your products are now seen by 400 million active BUYERS!

That's what the success stories did and now they enjoy a massive, passive income!

Yes, that’s 400,000,000 BUYERS!

The “Underground” Entrepreneurs
Who Are Silently Making Millions Using A.I.

We realize this may sound too good to be true, but it is 100% real and we’re about to show you inside this amazing world of digital products.

We all know that A.I. is at least TEN TIMES bigger than the internet...

Now imagine how much you could make using the crazy power of A.I. if you did it right?

Recently, we've been digging deep into this amazing new world of A.I… , reviewing tons of amazing A.I. tools, A.I. software, and new ideas for our A.I. channel...

And we've stumbled upon something super cool and frankly, quite astounding.

Here's what we discovered...

There are people - LOTS of people - who are quietly making 6 and yes, 7 figures a year RIGHT NOW - using A.I.!

And this is different than most ways people make 6 and 7 figures because this is PASSIVE INCOME - income that comes in, whether you “work” or not!

These "underground" entrepreneurs discovered these NEW, EASY WAYS to profit and are quietly making tens of thousands a month and many hundreds of thousands a year…

And we’re about to show you the ABSOLUTE BEST METHOD of making ongoing, recurring money with A.I. that we’ve found!

“James & Dave, this is all well and good,
but what if I haven’t made my first dollar online…
Will this still work for me?”

Absolutely! In fact, we designed this system with YOU in mind!

We know there are lots of people who have not made much money online yet and our mission is to change that.

You see, this marketplace has so many niches that you can apply this to, that there is MORE THAN ENOUGH OPPORTUNITY to go around. (and new ones coming onto the market, every day!)

And the business is crazy simple.

All you do is:

1. Simple research to see what’s ALREADY selling well (super-easy - we show you how)
2. Use A.I. to quickly & easily create your versions of those products (we show you how, step-by-step)
3. And then - MAKE MONEY - this is ongoing, passive income, which means you do the work ONCE, (takes SECONDS) but then keep on making money from that point on!

As We Started To Uncover
Success Story After Success Story...

We KNEW We Had To Dig Into This & Learn About This Amazing Opportunity For Ourselves!

We Saw insane results &  
now we bring this amazing system to you!

You'll discover EXACTLY WHAT TO DO, and HOW TO DO IT, step-by-step, so you can go from zero to making money FAST!

Now there is no excuse for failure, you will know EXACTLY HOW TO MAKE MONEY by using AI in this amazing passive income business.

Even if you've never made a single penny online, we will show you, step-by-step, exactly what to do to start making money FAST.


Here’s why most people 
don’t do well with Online marketing

1. They don’t know how to get MASSIVE TRAFFIC.
2. They don’t know what products or services are IN DEMAND

3. They don’t have a super-streamlined system for creating and selling the products FAST.

In our AI Disruptor 2.0 system we solve all three of these problems for you, so you can get on track to MAKING MONEY IMMEDIATELY.

You’ll know EXACTLY what to do, Step-By-Step, to tap into MASSIVE TRAFFIC, IMMEDIATELY!

Are YOU Ready To Disrupt
The World Of Making Money Online
With AI Disruptor 2.0?

Today, you can benefit from something truly earth-shaking we're about to share with you.
We're talking about earning thousands of dollars a week (and even more) PASSIVELY - by using AI and leveraging the strategy we show you in the AI DISRUPTOR 2.0 SYSTEM.

And, we ALSO show you how you can EASILY SCALE this business far quicker - by using the leverage you gain with AI!

AI DISRUPTOR 2.0 is a super-simple system…

And we show you how to use A.I. as a "FORCE MULTIPLIER" that makes everything SO MUCH EASIER, SO MUCH BETTER, and SO MUCH FASTER
This means a LOT more INCOME for you, and a LOT FASTER!

This Is Insanely Powerful
And It's Shaking Up One Of The Biggest Websites

This Site ALREADY Attracts

This is GUARANTEED Free Buyer Traffic For YOU!

So you can PROFIT BIG...
And Do It Bigger, Faster, And EASIER Than Ever Before!

With AI Disruptor 2.0, you’ll never have to worry about “Getting Traffic”, ever again.

And that’s because millions of visitors are already there 
and waiting for you to post your next digital product!

Now you can sell thousands of units and never have to produce OR ship them!

Here’s where our system is different…

There are tons of people ALREADY making 6 figures - WITHOUT USING AI. 

And they've already proven there is crazy demand - and the traffic is CLEARLY THERE…

If these same people just APPLIED AI to this already-proven strategy... 

...They would be making a TON more - and FASTER - just by adding AI to their business!
But they don't know HOW to do it - this is how you can easily surpass their results and earnings!

This entire category is ripe for disruption!

In this AI Disruptor 2.0 system, you're about to discover the incredibly simple strategy to SUPERCHARGE the speed of making money, 

So that NOW, instead of making just $20 - $70 an hour, you can be making HUNDREDS of dollars an hour, every day of the week...

And in just seconds of your time!


If you decide to OUTSOURCE THE WHOLE THING, you can MULTIPLY the income you make even more - Then, you don’t even have to do any of the work!


IT’S all inside the AI DISRUPTOR 2.0 System 
revealed inside...

So, if making thousands a month - and doing it in just seconds per day - sounds great to you...

If we’ve caught your attention...

Then you're going to LOVE our AI Disruptor system. 

In this SYSTEM, we're about to show you how this insane kind of profit is not only achievable but how it is BEING DONE TODAY by ordinary people - people just like you and me - RIGHT NOW.

Not only that, but we're going to show you how you can expand this business and MULTIPLY those numbers by 2x, 5x, 10x, the sky’s the limit!

But don't just take our word for it - we've only been marketing online for 20+ years…

there are HUNDREDS
NO, actually, THOUSANDS 
With The AI Disruptor 2.0 System


James, when he was 2 years old

When you leverage the power of the AI Disruptor 2.0 system...

The world of making money will open up for you, 
and you'll quickly discover that there are HUNDREDS OF WAYS 
you can make money using AI!

This is possible because we show you how to disrupt a system that is ALREADY PROVEN TO WORK...

But, instead of trading hours for dollars, you get to profit in seconds, by using AI...

We show you, step-by-step, exactly what to do - and how to do it.

You can now disrupt what is already working for people who are using their most precious resource: their time.

You replace THEIR time by letting AI do the actual work and YOU PROFIT - faster and easier than they ever could. It's that simple!

The people making money 
the "old school way" get disrupted...

They won’t understand it - “How can YOU do in mere SECONDS what takes them hours, (if not DAYS) to do.

They simply won’t be able to compete with you and you’ll make a lot more money.

This is the reality of the world of AI, right now.

Either you USE AI TO WIN…

…or you will LOSE by being disrupted by those of us that do...

It’s time NOW for you to pick a side. 

YES! You are at the right place, at the right time!

The opportunity is here, RIGHT NOW.

The last time an opportunity like this came along (in our lifetime) was over 20 years ago.

And THIS opportunity is at least TEN TIMES BIGGER than the Internet ever was!

AI Disruptor is going to change EVERYTHING.

THIS is the way to make BIG MONEY with AI.

Get your copy of AI Disruptor 2.0 and get ready to make TONS of income by using AI to do all the work for you!

We’ve chosen to ride the wave - you can, too!

AI Disruptor 2.0
Is A Simple, 3-Step System


Use a site that has MASSIVE BUYER TRAFFIC 

You're accessing close to 400 Million visitors a month that are BUYERS! 



Quickly find the bestselling offers.

We show you exactly how to do this and how to find what's bringing in crazy money. 



You give customers what they want in SECONDS (because YOU’RE USING AI) and YOU get paid FASTER and EASIER than ever before 


Since you’re now tapping into massive buyer traffic (people HUNGRY for these services) all you do is put your bucket out there (your product or service) and CAPTURE ALL THE MONEY that is flowing through!

You are ethically profiting from all this FREE TRAFFIC and getting paid, big time. 

So, if you’re ready to finally

start making the BIG MONEY…

…by tapping into a massive flow of BUYER traffic that already exists…


Then AI Disruptor 2.0 is for you. You cannot wait, you MUST get in while the getting’s good!

A giant revolution of this magnitude MAY NOT come around again in our lifetime.

Will you be one who PROFITED WILDLY, or someone who looks fondly at those who did and think: “That could’ve been me…”

It’s Your Turn to make all the 
Money You Want to make...

and AI Disruptor will help you get there!

It’s super easy to do…

Anyone can do this…

You can do this from anywhere in the world…

With no money out of pocket…

And get paid 24/7…


Get your copy of AI Disruptor 2.0 TODAY 

And Begin Making All The Money You 
Can Handle, As Soon As Possible!


James Renouf 

Dave Espino

Income Disclaimer:

This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my/our own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. High Ticket AI (and its creators) make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are many factors and variables beyond our control which may impact any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavour, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

Liability Disclaimer:

By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.

Guarantee Terms:

If this does not work as stated we will return your payment - Refunds are always honored so there are No Risks!

*Please Note:

The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. as with any business endeavour, there there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

This product is not affiliated with or endorsed by Tik Tok.

Support - For any questions before or after the sale email

Privacy policy:

Our privacy policy is simple: we will never share or sell your personal information to any third parties. Your email address and other personal information will only be used to communicate with you about your purchase and to provide updates on the product. We take your privacy seriously and will do everything in our power to protect it.